Flex People Hub

Effectively managing masses and processes at your fingertips, powered by automation. Allowing mundane manual operations to take a backseat, increasing effective work done without compromising on quality.

How does it work for you

"To win the marketplace you must first win in the workplace."

Douglas Conant

What we offer


Building a people oriented HR Management System that creates connection and enables environment for success.

Manpower allocation
Resource and training
Approval workflow
Form management


Your virtual office. Managing all office operations and spaces in a centralized platform for a single source of truth. Perfect for any service-based businesses.

Project management
Inventory management
Facility management
Servicing portal

Speed to market

30% - 65%


Project resources

100 people

From small to large scale teams

Cost savings


Enterprise related grants

Find out how our products and services can benefit your business

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